Bisecting Python unit test errors to find test interdependencies

Categories: English Geeky

Many of our test runs use parallelization to run faster. Sometimes we see test failures which we can’t reproduce locally, because locally we usually run sequentially; and even then, the test ordering seems to be somewhat unpredictable so it’s hard to reproduce the exact test ordering seen in our test runner.

Most of the time these failures are due to unidentified test interdependencies: either test A causes test B to pass (where running test B in isolation would fail), or test A causes B to fail (where running B in isolation would pass). And we have seen more complex scenarios where C passes, A-B-C passes, but A-C fails (because A sets C up for failure, while B would set C up for success). We added some diagnostic output to our test runner so it would show exactly the list of tests each process runs. This way we can copy the list and run it locally, which usually reproduces the failure.

But we needed a tool to then determine exactly which of the tests preceding the failing one was setting up the failure conditions. So I wrote this simple bisecter script, which expects a list of test names, which must contain the faily test “A”, and of course, the name of the faily test “A”. It looks for “A” in the list and will use bisection to determine which of the tests preceding “A” is causing the failure.

As an example, I used it to find a test failure in Ubuntu SSO:

python  test-orders/loadbad1.txt webui.tests.test_decorators.SSOLoginRequiredTestCase.test_account_must_require_two_factor
273 elements in the list, about 8 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
137 elements in the list, about 7 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
69 elements in the list, about 6 iterations left
Test causing failure is in first half of given list
34 elements in the list, about 5 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
17 elements in the list, about 4 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
9 elements in the list, about 3 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
5 elements in the list, about 2 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
3 elements in the list, about 1 iterations left
Test causing failure is in second half of given list
2 elements in the list, about 1 iterations left
Test causing failure is in first half of given list
The test that causes the failure is webui.tests.test_views_account.AccountTemplateTestCase.test_backup_device_warning